Conservation Tips

There are a number of easy ways to save water, and they all start with YOU. When you save water, you save money on your utility bills. Here are just a few ways...

In the Kitchen…

  • Never run the dishwasher without a full load. This practice will save water, energy, detergent and money. 

In the Laundry…

  • Use cold water as often as possible to save energy and to conserve the hot water for uses which cold water cannot serve.
  • Check all water line connections and faucets for leaks. A slow drip can waste as much as 170 gallons of water EACH DAY, or 5,000 gallons per month and will add to the water bill.


  • Check for a water leak between the water meter and the house. To check, turn off all indoor and outdoor faucets and water-using appliances. Read the meter at 10 to 20-minute intervals. If it continues to run or turn, a leak probably exists and needs to be located and repaired.
  • Water slowly for better absorption and never on windy days.
  • Condition the soil with mulch or compost before planting grass or flowerbeds so that water will soak in rather than run off.
  • Operate automatic sprinkler systems only when demand on the community’s water supply is lowest. Set system to operate between 4:00 AM and 6:00 AM.